Digestive Wellness Services
Free 30-minute Conversation with Russell Mariani
The purpose of this First Step Conversation is to give you the opportunity to describe your current symptoms and condition and any relevant health/medical history to Russell. He will then explain his approach to addressing and resolving your health challenge(s). You will leave this session more hopeful and more confident about solutions!
Initial Consultation (for Digestive System Challenges)
The purpose of the Initial Consultation is to discuss the information you have provided Russell from a very detailed 12-page Initial Consultation form (which you can download below). This information includes your medical history and your current symptoms, condition, diet and lifestyle choices. Russell will then explain to you his plan to get you better by making changes and improvements in the seven root cause areas, which is the basis of all his health and healing programs. You will come away from this session with clarity about how your digestive system has been designed to function normally and a growing sense of confidence about Russell’s ability to guide you effectively through the process of intestinal regeneration and a full recovery.
Complete Program Options: An Initial Consultation must be completed before beginning the Intestinal Regeneration Program. (6-month program)
The Intestinal Regeneration Program (for all digestive system challenges)
This is Russell’s signature program, and it serves as the foundation for all other programs and services offered through The Center for Functional Nutrition. Digestive Wellness is the key to a healthy immune system and it is the key to the health of all the other organs and systems and cells of your body. Through daily email contact and regular phone or Zoom conversations, Russell will guide you through a comprehensive and step by step process where we will transform the condition of your intestinal microbiome. Through this process all negative digestive symptoms will fade and eventually disappear being replaced with a normally functioning digestive system with the symptoms of vibrant health, energy and lasting digestive wellness.