Bill's Story: Ulcerative Proctitis
My battle began 30 years ago. Issues started with a feeling of incomplete bowel movements and inflammation in the rectum area. I could take things like Fibercon to help and it did help for a while – then I had to start eating raisin bran and for a while I would put it in a blender and drink the raisin bran like a cocktail.
Pain started to set in when I was in my early fifties – deep joint and muscle pain combined with bad pain in the rectum. Doctors couldn’t help me. One year, I saw 9 doctors with zero relief. I was poked and prodded – given barium enemas, MRIs, CT scans; you name it. I was diagnosed with a range of conditions: IBS to Colitis to PreCrohn’s.
I didn’t eat any fried food, spicy food, or dairy; nothing bad. All I ate was fiber foods. I had little or no relief.
In my late fifties, blood started to show up with bowel movements. I remember seeing the blood on the paper and in the toilet bowl and the emotion I felt had weight; like gravity times 3. I was giving myself water enemas just to clean the blood out of my rectum. I had to cancel vacations because of the blood and discomfort.
I felt like my life was over. The pain started to affect my relationships and my whole being.
Throughout the years, I had ordered several products over the internet, trying anything and everything to get control of my condition. I have 2 cupboards full of products that didn’t work, including old prescriptions like steroids and antibiotics and pain pills.
And then again out of desperation I saw an internet ad for a digestive healing book written by Russell Mariani. I bought the book and read it in the same day. I was desperate, so I called Russell and asked for his help. This is the best thing I have done in thirty years. Just after a few weeks, I have relief, real honest relief. No blood, no pain. It almost feels normal!
Having Russell guide me through the process added confidence that the process was going to work, a huge advantage.
I can’t urge you enough to call him…and don’t give up, don’t ever give up. Do it.
Bill Williams (age 60)
Marysville, Ohio
May, 2017